Dixon Temporary Services Business Overview

Dixon & Company has two additional divisions: Dixon Temporary Services and Dixon Training Institute

Dixon Temporary Services  Business Overview

At Dixon Temporary Services, we offer over 50 years of combined financial management and staffing experience plus a long-standing reputation of delivering service beyond expectations. Our “boutique” approach to staffing means that we offer you a more personalized and comprehensive approach to your staffing requirements.

Temporary Services Employment will be offered to high school graduates for a variety of temporary positions based on client needs.  Temporary employees are employees of Dixon & Company, Temporary Services Division.  Temporary employees must have a clean background check and pass the competency exam with a score of 80% or higher as required by the position.  Students with a score of 70% or better will be allowed to retake the test after 30 days. Each candidate must also have  basic skills:

  • Articulate
  • Groomed
  • Willingness to train
  • Punctuality

Temporary employees have the opportunity to gain experience””companies are all unique, so the temporary worker will be exposed to a plethora of different situations and office procedures. Temporary employees that meet technical or other requirements of the work are often selected for permanent positions. In this sense, it could be argued that it would be easier to find work as a temporary worker.  Temporary employees also have greater potential for flexible hours.

The major benefit to client companies working with Dixon Temporary Services is that we help you keep your productivity at a maximum and your staff at a minimum.  Companies that use our services are in need of short-term workers for a variety of reasons. Companies may contract with us to send temporary workers on assignments or for work that has a cyclical nature, requiring frequent adjustments to staffing levels.  Temporaries in highly technical and complex fields like bookkeeping can use a pool of skilled temporary workers that moves from company to company, as the need arises. This makes it is economically feasible for many small companies to share a workforce, rather that to have employees on the payroll in good times or bad, in peak season and out of season.

Contact us for more information.


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